Sunday, December 5, 2010

Happy Birthday to.........

....the amazing, beautiful  Deanna Durbin!   A day late...
            We have been having computor issues..:(  
           I "found" Deanna last year, and have had
    a delightful time watching her movies, admiring her
        gorgeous voice, and singing along to her songs!!                                                                                               
Now in honor of yesterday, some of my favorite photos of my favorite actress!
      Happy Birthday Deanna Durbin!!!!!!!!!    You are not forgotten, and are still very much loved!                                                                                                                

Saturday, November 13, 2010

My First Post

 Hello everyone, even though as yet there is no one{no followers yet I mean}!!!

I am very exited about this new blog, and I have vast ambitions to be very

disciplined when it comes to posting {ha!}. We shall see, we shall see.....

Stay tuned for a review of one of my favorite movies!!!
